Cluster API v1alpha2 compared to v1alpha3

Minimum Go version

  • The Go version used by Cluster API is now Go 1.13+

In-Tree bootstrap provider

  • Cluster API now ships with the Kubeadm Bootstrap provider (CABPK).
  • Update import paths from to

Machine spec.metadata field has been removed

  • The field has been unused for quite some time and didn’t have any function.
  • If you have been using this field to setup MachineSet or MachineDeployment, switch to MachineTemplate’s metadata instead.

Set spec.clusterName on Machine, MachineSet, MachineDeployments

  • The field is now required on all Cluster dependant objects.
  • The label is created automatically by each respective controller.

Context is now required for external.CloneTemplate function.

  • Pass a context as the first argument to calls to external.CloneTemplate.

Context is now required for external.Get function.

  • Pass a context as the first argument to calls to external.Get.

Cluster and Machine Status.Phase field values now start with an uppercase letter

  • To be consistent with Pod phases in k/k.
  • More details in

MachineClusterLabelName is renamed to ClusterLabelName

  • The variable name is renamed as this label isn’t applied only to machines anymore.
  • This label is also applied to external objects(bootstrap provider, infrastructure provider)

Cluster and Machine controllers now set to external objects.

  • In addition to the OwnerReference back to the Cluster, a label is now added as well to any external objects, for example objects such as KubeadmConfig (bootstrap provider), AWSCluster (infrastructure provider), AWSMachine (infrastructure provider), etc.

The util/restmapper package has been removed

  • Controller runtime has native support for a DynamicRESTMapper, which is used by default when creating a new Manager.

Generated kubeconfig admin username changed from kubernetes-admin to <cluster-name>-admin

  • The kubeconfig secret shipped with Cluster API now uses the cluster name as prefix to the username field.

Changes to

  • The ClusterClient interface has been removed.
  • remote.NewClusterClient now returns a Client. It also requires client.ObjectKey instead of a cluster reference. The signature changed:
    • From: func NewClusterClient(c client.Client, cluster *clusterv1.Cluster) (ClusterClient, error)
    • To: func NewClusterClient(c client.Client, cluster client.ObjectKey, scheme runtime.Scheme) (client.Client, error)
  • Same for the remote client ClusterClientGetter interface:
    • From: type ClusterClientGetter func(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, cluster *clusterv1.Cluster, scheme *runtime.Scheme) (client.Client, error)
    • To: type ClusterClientGetter func(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, cluster client.ObjectKey, scheme *runtime.Scheme) (client.Client, error)
  • remote.RESTConfig now uses client.ObjectKey instead of a cluster reference. Signature change:
    • From: func RESTConfig(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, cluster *clusterv1.Cluster) (*restclient.Config, error)
    • To: func RESTConfig(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, cluster client.ObjectKey) (*restclient.Config, error)

Related changes to

  • A helper function util.ObjectKey could be used to get client.ObjectKey for a Cluster, Machine etc.
  • The returned client is no longer configured for lazy discovery. Any consumers that attempt to create a client prior to the server being available will now see an error.
  • Getter for a kubeconfig secret, associated with a cluster requires client.ObjectKey instead of a cluster reference. Signature change:
    • From: func Get(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, cluster client.ObjectKey, purpose Purpose) (*corev1.Secret, error)
    • To: func Get(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, cluster *clusterv1.Cluster, purpose Purpose) (*corev1.Secret, error)

A Machine is now considered a control plane if it has set, regardless of value

  • Previously examples and tests were setting/checking for the label to be set to true.
  • The function util.IsControlPlaneMachine was previously checking for any value other than empty string, while now we only check if the associated label exists.

Machine Status.Phase field set to Provisioned if a NodeRef is set but infrastructure is not ready

  • The machine Status.Phase is set back to Provisioned if the infrastructure is not ready. This is only applicable if the infrastructure node status does not have any errors set.

Cluster Status.Phase transition to Provisioned additionally needs at least one APIEndpoint to be available.

  • Previously, the sole requirement to transition a Cluster’s Status.Phase to Provisioned was a true value of Status.InfrastructureReady. Now, there are two requirements: a true value of Status.InfrastructureReady and at least one entry in Status.APIEndpoints.
  • See

Status.ErrorReason and Status.ErrorMessage fields, populated to signal a fatal error has occurred, have been renamed in Cluster, Machine and MachineSet

  • Status.ErrorReason has been renamed to Status.FailureReason
  • Status.ErrorMessage has been renamed to Status.FailureMessage

The external.ErrorsFrom function has been renamed to external.FailuresFrom

  • The function has been modified to reflect the rename of Status.ErrorReason to Status.FailureReason and Status.ErrorMessage to Status.FailureMessage.

External objects will need to rename Status.ErrorReason and Status.ErrorMessage

  • As a follow up to the changes mentioned above - for the external.FailuresFrom function to retain its functionality, external objects (e.g., AWSCluster, AWSMachine, etc.) will need to rename the fields as well.
  • Status.ErrorReason should be renamed to Status.FailureReason
  • Status.ErrorMessage should be renamed to Status.FailureMessage

The field Cluster.Status.APIEndpoints is removed in favor of Cluster.Spec.ControlPlaneEndpoint

  • The slice in Cluster.Status has been removed and replaced by a single APIEndpoint field under Spec.
  • Infrastructure providers MUST expose a ControlPlaneEndpoint field in their cluster infrastructure resource at Spec.ControlPlaneEndpoint. They may optionally remove the Status.APIEndpoints field (Cluster API no longer uses it).

Data generated from a bootstrap provider is now stored in a secret.

  • The Cluster API Machine Controller no longer reconciles the bootstrap provider status.bootstrapData field, but instead looks at status.dataSecretName.
  • The Machine.Spec.Bootstrap.Data field is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  • Bootstrap providers must create a Secret in the bootstrap resource’s namespace and store the name in the bootstrap resource’s status.dataSecretName field.
    • The secret created by the bootstrap provider is of type
    • On reconciliation, we suggest to migrate from the deprecated field to a secret reference.
  • Infrastructure providers must look for the bootstrap data secret name in Machine.Spec.Bootstrap.DataSecretName and fallback to Machine.Spec.Bootstrap.Data.

The cloudinit module under the Kubeadm bootstrap provider has been made private

The cloudinit module has been moved to an internal directory as it is not designed to be a public interface consumed outside of the existing module.

Interface for Bootstrap Provider Consumers

  • Consumers of bootstrap configuration, Machine and eventually MachinePool, must adhere to a contract that defines a set of required fields used for coordination with the kubeadm bootstrap provider.
    • apiVersion to check for supported version/kind.
    • kind to check for supported version/kind.
    • metadata.labels[""] only present in the case of a control plane Machine.
    • spec.clusterName to retrieve the owning Cluster status.
    • spec.bootstrap.dataSecretName to know where to put bootstrap data with sensitive information. Consumers must also verify the secret type matches
    • status.infrastuctureReady to understand the state of the configuration consumer so the bootstrap provider can take appropriate action (e.g. renew bootstrap token).

Support the annotation and Cluster.Spec.Paused field.

  • A new annotation provides the ability to pause reconciliation on specific objects.
  • A new field Cluster.Spec.Paused provides the ability to pause reconciliation on a Cluster and all associated objects.
  • A helper function util.IsPaused can be used on any Kubernetes object associated with a Cluster and can be used during a Reconcile loop:
    // Return early if the object or Cluster is paused.
    if util.IsPaused(cluster, <object>) {
      logger.Info("Reconciliation is paused for this object")
      return ctrl.Result{}, nil
  • Unless your controller is already watching Clusters, add a Watch to get notifications when Cluster.Spec.Paused field changes. In most cases, predicates.ClusterUnpaused and util.ClusterToObjectsMapper can be used like in the example below:
    // Add a watch on clusterv1.Cluster object for paused notifications.
    clusterToObjectFunc, err := util.ClusterToObjectsMapper(mgr.GetClient(), <List object here>, mgr.GetScheme())
    if err != nil {
      return err
    err = controller.Watch(
        &source.Kind{Type: &cluserv1.Cluster{}},
            ToRequests: clusterToObjectFunc,
    if err != nil {
      return err
    NB: You need to have applied to all your objects for the mapper to function.
  • In some cases, you’ll want to not just watch on Cluster.Spec.Paused changes, but also on Cluster.Status.InfrastructureReady. For those cases predicates.ClusterUnpausedAndInfrastructureReady should be used instead.
    // Add a watch on clusterv1.Cluster object for paused and infrastructureReady notifications.
    clusterToObjectFunc, err := util.ClusterToObjectsMapper(mgr.GetClient(), <List object here>, mgr.GetScheme())
    if err != nil {
      return err
    err = controller.Watch(
          &source.Kind{Type: &cluserv1.Cluster{}},
              ToRequests: clusterToObjectFunc,
      if err != nil {
        return err

[OPTIONAL] Support failure domains.

An infrastructure provider may or may not implement the failure domains feature. Failure domains gives Cluster API just enough information to spread machines out reducing the risk of a target cluster failing due to a domain outage. This is particularly useful for Control Plane providers. They are now able to put control plane nodes in different domains.

An infrastructure provider can implement this by setting the InfraCluster.Status.FailureDomains field with a map of unique keys to failureDomainSpecs as well as respecting a set Machine.Spec.FailureDomain field when creating instances.

To support migration from failure domains that were previously specified through provider-specific resources, the Machine controller will support updating Machine.Spec.FailureDomain field if Spec.FailureDomain is present and defined on the provider-defined infrastructure resource.

Please see the cluster and machine infrastructure provider specifications for more detail.

Refactor kustomize config/ folder to support multi-tenancy when using webhooks.

Pre-Requisites: Upgrade to CRD v1.

More details and background can be found in Issue #2275 and PR #2279.


  • Have all webhook related components in the capi-webhook-system namespace.
    • Achieves multi-tenancy and guarantees that both CRD and webhook resources can live globally and can be patched in future iterations.
  • Run a new manager instance that ONLY runs webhooks and doesn’t install any reconcilers.


  • In config/certmanager/

    • Patch
      • certificate.yaml: The secretName value MUST be set to $(SERVICE_NAME)-cert.
      • kustomization.yaml: Add the following to varReference
        - kind: Certificate
          path: spec/secretName
  • In config/

    • Create
      • kustomization.yaml: This file is going to function as the new entrypoint to run kustomize build. PROVIDER_NAME is the name of your provider, e.g. aws. PROVIDER_TYPE is the type of your provider, e.g. control-plane, bootstrap, infrastructure.
        namePrefix: {{e.g. capa-, capi-, etc.}}
        - crd
        - webhook # Disable this if you're not using the webhook functionality.
        - default
        - target: # NOTE: This patch needs to be repeatd for EACH CustomResourceDefinition you have under crd/bases.
            version: v1
            kind: CustomResourceDefinition
            name: {{CRD_NAME_HERE}}
          path: patch_crd_webhook_namespace.yaml
      • patch_crd_webhook_namespace.yaml: This patch sets the conversion webhook namespace to capi-webhook-system.
        - op: replace
          path: "/spec/conversion/webhook/clientConfig/service/namespace"
          value: capi-webhook-system
  • In config/default

    • Create
      • namespace.yaml
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Namespace
          name: system
    • Move
      • manager_image_patch.yaml to config/manager
      • manager_label_patch.yaml to config/manager
      • manager_pull_policy.yaml to config/manager
      • manager_auth_proxy_patch.yaml to config/manager
      • manager_webhook_patch.yaml to config/webhook
      • webhookcainjection_patch.yaml to config/webhook
      • manager_label_patch.yaml to trash.
    • Patch
      • kustomization.yaml
        • Add under resources:
          - namespace.yaml
        • Replace bases with:
          - ../rbac
          - ../manager
        • Add under patchesStrategicMerge:
          - manager_role_aggregation_patch.yaml
        • Remove ../crd from bases (now in config/kustomization.yaml).
        • Remove namePrefix (now in config/kustomization.yaml).
        • Remove commonLabels (now in config/kustomization.yaml).
        • Remove from patchesStrategicMerge:
          • manager_image_patch.yaml
          • manager_pull_policy.yaml
          • manager_auth_proxy_patch.yaml
          • manager_webhook_patch.yaml
          • webhookcainjection_patch.yaml
          • manager_label_patch.yaml
        • Remove from vars:
          • SERVICE_NAME
  • In config/manager

    • Patch
      • manager.yaml: Remove the Namespace object.
      • kustomization.yaml:
        • Add under patchesStrategicMerge:
          - manager_image_patch.yaml
          - manager_pull_policy.yaml
          - manager_auth_proxy_patch.yaml
  • In config/webhook

    • Patch
      • kustomizeconfig.yaml
        • Add the following to varReference
          - kind: Deployment
            path: spec/template/spec/volumes/secret/secretName
      • kustomization.yaml
        • Add namespace: capi-webhook-system at the top of the file.
        • Under resources, add ../certmanager and ../manager.
        • Add at the bottom of the file:
          - manager_webhook_patch.yaml
          - webhookcainjection_patch.yaml # Disable this value if you don't have any defaulting or validation webhook. If you don't know, you can check if the manifests.yaml file in the same directory has any contents.
          - name: CERTIFICATE_NAMESPACE # namespace of the certificate CR
              kind: Certificate
              version: v1alpha2
              name: serving-cert # this name should match the one in certificate.yaml
              fieldpath: metadata.namespace
          - name: CERTIFICATE_NAME
              kind: Certificate
              version: v1alpha2
              name: serving-cert # this name should match the one in certificate.yaml
          - name: SERVICE_NAMESPACE # namespace of the service
              kind: Service
              version: v1
              name: webhook-service
              fieldpath: metadata.namespace
          - name: SERVICE_NAME
              kind: Service
              version: v1
              name: webhook-service
      • manager_webhook_patch.yaml
        • Under containers find manager and add after name
          - "--metrics-addr="
          - "--webhook-port=9443"
        • Under volumes find cert and replace secretName‘s value with $(SERVICE_NAME)-cert.
      • service.yaml
        • Remove the selector map, if any. The control-plane label is not needed anymore, a unique label is applied using commonLabels under config/kustomization.yaml.

In main.go

  • Default the webhook-port flag to 0
    flag.IntVar(&webhookPort, "webhook-port", 0,
    	"Webhook Server port, disabled by default. When enabled, the manager will only work as webhook server, no reconcilers are installed.")
  • The controller MUST register reconcilers if and only if webhookPort == 0.
  • The controller MUST register webhooks if and only if webhookPort != 0.

After all the changes above are performed, kustomize build MUST target config/, rather than config/default. Using your favorite editor, search for config/default in your repository and change the paths accordingly.

In addition, often the Makefile contains a sed-replacement for manager_image_patch.yaml, this file has been moved from config/default to config/manager. Using your favorite editor, search for manager_image_patch in your repository and change the paths accordingly.

Apply the contract version label<version>: version1_version2_version3 to your CRDs

  • Providers MUST set<version> labels on all Custom Resource Definitions related to Cluster API starting with v1alpha3.
  • The label is a map from an API Version of Cluster API (contract) to your Custom Resource Definition versions.
    • The value is a underscore-delimited (_) list of versions.
    • Each value MUST point to an available version in your CRD Spec.
  • The label allows Cluster API controllers to perform automatic conversions for object references, the controllers will pick the last available version in the list if multiple versions are found.
  • To apply the label to CRDs it’s possible to use commonLabels in your kustomize.yaml file, usually in config/crd.

In this example we show how to map a particular Cluster API contract version to your own CRD using Kustomize’s commonLabels feature:

commonLabels: v1alpha1 v1alpha2 v1alphaX_v1beta1

Upgrade to CRD v1

  • Providers should upgrade their CRDs to v1
  • Minimum Kubernetes version supporting CRDv1 is v1.16
  • In Makefile target generate-manifests:, add the following property to the crd crdVersions=v1
generate-manifests: $(CONTROLLER_GEN) ## Generate manifests e.g. CRD, RBAC etc.
    paths=./api/... \
    crd:crdVersions=v1 \
    output:crd:dir=$(CRD_ROOT) \
    output:webhook:dir=$(WEBHOOK_ROOT) \
    paths=./controllers/... \
    output:rbac:dir=$(RBAC_ROOT) \
  • For all the CRDs in the config/crd/bases change the version of CustomResourceDefinition to v1
kind: CustomResourceDefinition


kind: CustomResourceDefinition
  • In the config/crd/kustomizeconfig.yaml file, change the path of the webhook
path: spec/conversion/webhookClientConfig/service/name


  • Make the same change of changing v1beta to v1 version in the config/crd/patches
  • In the config/crd/patches/webhook_in_******.yaml file, add the conversionReviewVersions property to the CRD
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
    strategy: Webhook


kind: CustomResourceDefinition
  strategy: Webhook
  conversionReviewVersions: ["v1", "v1beta1"]

Add matchPolicy=Equivalent kubebuilder marker in webhooks

  • All providers should set “matchPolicy=Equivalent” kubebuilder marker for webhooks on all Custom Resource Definitions related to Cluster API starting with v1alpha3.
  • Specifying Equivalent ensures that webhooks continue to intercept the resources they expect when upgrades enable new versions of the resource in the API server.
  • E.g., matchPolicy is added to AWSMachine (/api/v1alpha3/awsmachine_webhook.go)
    // +kubebuilder:webhook:verbs=create;update,path=/validate-infrastructure-cluster-x-k8s-io-v1alpha3-awsmachine,mutating=false,failurePolicy=fail,matchPolicy=Equivalent,,resources=awsmachines,versions=v1alpha3,
  • Support for matchPolicy marker has been added in kubernetes-sigs/controller-tools. Providers needs to update controller-tools dependency to make use of it, usually in hack/tools/go.mod.

[OPTIONAL] Implement --feature-gates flag in main.go

  • Cluster API now ships with a new experimental package that lives under exp/ containing both API types and controllers.
  • Controller and types should always live behind a gate defined under the feature/ package.
  • If you’re planning to support experimental features or API types in your provider or codebase, you can add feature.MutableGates.AddFlag(fs) to your main.go when initializing command line flags. For a full example, you can refer to the main.go in Cluster API or under bootstrap/kubeadm/.

NOTE: To enable experimental features users are required to set the same --feature-gates flag across providers. For example, if you want to enable MachinePool, you’ll have to enable in both Cluster API deployment and the Kubeadm Bootstrap Provider. In the future, we’ll revisit this user experience and provide a centralized way to configure gates across all Cluster API (inc. providers) controllers.


clusterctl is now bundled with Cluster API, provider-agnostic and can be reused across providers. It is the recommended way to setup a management cluster and it implements best practices to avoid common mis-configurations and for managing the life-cycle of deployed providers, e.g. upgrades.

see clusterctl provider contract for more details.